Sunday, May 22, 2011

Found morning V.

Sunday. Like this word a lot because it remains me some kind of peace in soul.
Do you feel it too?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Found morning IV.

Richard had many dreams during night and I woke up with terrible pain in my backbone. I know why all this happen and the main reason is probably that I am working all day at PC...sitting like a fool and staring at the life which is running away. So fast,these days.
And I got the feeling that I am too weak to change it. To stop and to wait what the life bring to us.
I am trying to put every second of my life to a concrete box with a concrete name with a concrete feeling....Isn´t  terrible?

I miss you so much, you foolish spontaneous life.
I miss you Richard,so much.

 "My way to other people"

PS: Why does not work my elle est fou.blogspot. com :(?